Selecting Your Dragon
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The first and most important thing you want to do is get a book or two on Bearded Dragons and read them. There are a few that are better than others are. You can purchase them online from You also can go online and obtain some great information that can be real helpful. Just do some research first and some planning before you purchase your dragon. Let's be fair here. Would you want someone taking you (a baby) home and not know how to care for you? WE did alot of research through reading online and talking to breeders as well as our exotic vet. (Notice I said,"Exotic Vet".) Plus you can learn alot from your animals, too. Just remember that all things mentioned here are only our opinions. WE are not veterinarians and do not claim to be. We are just small-scale breeders going by what we have learned with our dragons. If you ever have concerns about what is going on with your dragon, Please call your vet. They are the ones who are experienced with all areas of reptiles. Remember, what works with one may not work with another. They all are different and special in their own ways. Even down to the little special ed guys.
PLEASE DO NOT BUY A DRAGON LESS THAN SIX INCHES!! They usually are not strong enough to make all of the adjustments to change and often do not make it.
Where will I buy my Dragon?
The first thought I had when buying my first Dragon was, come on let's go to the pet stores and look around. But most of the ones we saw in the pet shops were very small and caged in crowded conditions, or adults that were being kept for breeding purposes. Over all, most were not kept in cage conditions like they should be. In my experience pet stores are misinformed or will say what ever it takes to make the sale. If you get to hand select your Dragon, remember if it looks sick it probably is. Make sure the eyes are wide-open and check for dark circles under the eyes. If it has dark circles you do not want it. Check the Dragon to see if it has all of its digits. Sometimes as babies they loose them fighting over food and being overcrowded. Most of the time it is because there is not enough food to go around. Make sure the Dragon is walking normal. If it is dragging its back legs you don't want it. And if at all possible ask to see it eat, even if you have to return to the store later. If there is feces in the cage pay close attention to it. Does it have form to it or is it runny? If it is runny, there maybe problems.Also, look for signs of dehydration. How? If you can pull the skin up on the dragon and it doesn't go back into place, it is dehydrated. Pay close attention to the cleanliness of the Dragons quarters. Do not buy a Dragon because you feel sorry for it unless you are a vet. In this case the store will feel they have done well and keep buying and selling them. Please do some reading and research before you buy.Do not buy on impulse and think I can manage it. Dragons take a good bit of time and care, they are not like a dog or cat.
Do not be afraid of the internet. There are some good deals to be had. But, remember you get what you pay for. You can find lots of good private breeders online or at reptile shows. Research your breeder before you buy from them. Call them. Most breeders will be more than happy to give you their number and set up a time to call or go by. Make sure you see pictures of the Dragon you are purchasing and the parents if possible.
Do not buy the first Dragon you see, not even from me. Look around the net, you may find something you like better. Do not rush. Try to find a baby that is at least 8 weeks old or 8 inches long.
Or you may want to do as I did. I bought an adult. These are harder to find and more expensive. But, some times are a better deal. Check my links page for other breeders and some great information.You never know what you might find. Once you are sure the Bearded Dragon is for you, spend at least a week looking for the right Dragon and the right deal.
Sexing in my opinion is hard to do with great accuracy in hatchlings. A male will sometimes have a larger head than a female. In a sub-adult you can start by holding the tail up carefully. If you see two bumps with a valley in the middle you most likely have a male. One bump in the center of the tail is usually a female.
If your Dragon is a little skittish when your hand is near, hand feed them with a long set of tweezers. Start holding the tweezers at the end, then cover more and more with your hand. If he is flighty when you hold him give him a treat (like a waxworm) while he is in your hand.Handle him as long as he will stand it. They are real sweethearts. They love to watch television with you, play the computer, etc.
Bearded Dragons eat gut loaded crickets, greens, vegetables and bearded dragon pellets. Do not feed crickets bigger than the space between your dragons eyes. During the first year, Bearded Dragons consume alot of crickets. And then after a year old the majority of growing is done and they slow down a bit on eating. Juveniles on the other hand will sometimes consume up to sixty plus crickets a day where as adults will maybe eat twenty a week.(Gut load all insects before feeding to your Dragon).
One feeding a day coat the crickets with calcium such as mineral-all and once a week dust with vitamins such as Herpvivite. These are just a few things to feed to your Dragon. You can feed Dandelions(from untreated yards),collard greens, mustard greens, kale, turnip greens and clover. Make sure that when you are picking greens and flowers that they are not sprayed with chemicals or pesticides. Frozen mixed vegetables that are thawed out can be fed in the winter months when others are not available.(Canned vegetables have to many additives). Beardies love editable flowers such as nasturtiums, pansies, hibiscus, and rose petals. Some will eat different fruits, too. Just do not use citrus fruits.
They are deadly to your Dragon.
The first thought I had when buying my first Dragon was, come on let's go to the pet stores and look around. But most of the ones we saw in the pet shops were very small and caged in crowded conditions, or adults that were being kept for breeding purposes. Over all, most were not kept in cage conditions like they should be. In my experience pet stores are misinformed or will say what ever it takes to make the sale. If you get to hand select your Dragon, remember if it looks sick it probably is. Make sure the eyes are wide-open and check for dark circles under the eyes. If it has dark circles you do not want it. Check the Dragon to see if it has all of its digits. Sometimes as babies they loose them fighting over food and being overcrowded. Most of the time it is because there is not enough food to go around. Make sure the Dragon is walking normal. If it is dragging its back legs you don't want it. And if at all possible ask to see it eat, even if you have to return to the store later. If there is feces in the cage pay close attention to it. Does it have form to it or is it runny? If it is runny, there maybe problems.Also, look for signs of dehydration. How? If you can pull the skin up on the dragon and it doesn't go back into place, it is dehydrated. Pay close attention to the cleanliness of the Dragons quarters. Do not buy a Dragon because you feel sorry for it unless you are a vet. In this case the store will feel they have done well and keep buying and selling them. Please do some reading and research before you buy.Do not buy on impulse and think I can manage it. Dragons take a good bit of time and care, they are not like a dog or cat.
Do not be afraid of the internet. There are some good deals to be had. But, remember you get what you pay for. You can find lots of good private breeders online or at reptile shows. Research your breeder before you buy from them. Call them. Most breeders will be more than happy to give you their number and set up a time to call or go by. Make sure you see pictures of the Dragon you are purchasing and the parents if possible.
Do not buy the first Dragon you see, not even from me. Look around the net, you may find something you like better. Do not rush. Try to find a baby that is at least 8 weeks old or 8 inches long.
Or you may want to do as I did. I bought an adult. These are harder to find and more expensive. But, some times are a better deal. Check my links page for other breeders and some great information.You never know what you might find. Once you are sure the Bearded Dragon is for you, spend at least a week looking for the right Dragon and the right deal.
Sexing in my opinion is hard to do with great accuracy in hatchlings. A male will sometimes have a larger head than a female. In a sub-adult you can start by holding the tail up carefully. If you see two bumps with a valley in the middle you most likely have a male. One bump in the center of the tail is usually a female.
If your Dragon is a little skittish when your hand is near, hand feed them with a long set of tweezers. Start holding the tweezers at the end, then cover more and more with your hand. If he is flighty when you hold him give him a treat (like a waxworm) while he is in your hand.Handle him as long as he will stand it. They are real sweethearts. They love to watch television with you, play the computer, etc.
Bearded Dragons eat gut loaded crickets, greens, vegetables and bearded dragon pellets. Do not feed crickets bigger than the space between your dragons eyes. During the first year, Bearded Dragons consume alot of crickets. And then after a year old the majority of growing is done and they slow down a bit on eating. Juveniles on the other hand will sometimes consume up to sixty plus crickets a day where as adults will maybe eat twenty a week.(Gut load all insects before feeding to your Dragon).
One feeding a day coat the crickets with calcium such as mineral-all and once a week dust with vitamins such as Herpvivite. These are just a few things to feed to your Dragon. You can feed Dandelions(from untreated yards),collard greens, mustard greens, kale, turnip greens and clover. Make sure that when you are picking greens and flowers that they are not sprayed with chemicals or pesticides. Frozen mixed vegetables that are thawed out can be fed in the winter months when others are not available.(Canned vegetables have to many additives). Beardies love editable flowers such as nasturtiums, pansies, hibiscus, and rose petals. Some will eat different fruits, too. Just do not use citrus fruits.
They are deadly to your Dragon.